Have you decided to order the development of a website for your company, but you do not even have basic knowledge in this area? In this article, we will tell you how, together with the contractor, to develop a complete technical task and, as a result, get precisely what you need.
Two types of customers
Typically, the situation when the head of the company orders the creation of a website is developing one of two scenarios:
- The customer has neither the necessary technical knowledge nor particular terminology, but has read (perhaps quite a lot) about creating sites. He conducted a comparative analysis of his competitors’ websites. He formed the vision of successful elements he would like to implement into his resource and which ones he prefers to avoid. Furthermore, he came to the idea of creating a new site due to disappointment in the functionality of the one he already has or feels the need for new tools for running a business further. So, he understands, at least, in general, what he wants to get.
- The customer only knows that his company requires a website, but needs to gain knowledge in this area and a clear idea about how this web resource will function in the future. This issue may be resolved later when the site is ready and the web administrator and/or content manager is hired.
If the customer initially appeals to experienced professionals, such as, for example, the company SECL, then making a decision is greatly simplified. Such developers definitely have a rich portfolio and can show various possible options for the future site with examples. In addition, the extensive experience with multiple orders – from standard to the most extraordinary – and regular communication with customers representing both of the above types allows such specialists to quickly understand the ideas and needs of any manager and offer ways to adequate implementation.
However, it may turn out that you will have to look for a way to state your wishes on paper for a long time so that the words in the form, clear to both sides, display the task you set before the developer and the way to implement it.
Where should you start?
If you are the first type of customer, you most likely have more or less drawn in your head what you need, and the question is mainly in the correct planning of the technical nuances of your order. We will move on to the recommendations for this part a little further.
If you are a representative of the second category, then to begin, you should do the following:
- Find a person among your employees who, at least at an amateur level, understands this topic and can explain to you in understandable words what the site will be in a practical embodiment and to the contractor – which is the specific needs of your company. In the future, this employee can be a project manager on your side, monitor the project’s progress, and inform you about its proceeding. Thus, you will save yourself from delving into the technical details, and solving tactical problems, so you can keep only strategic leadership.
- If such a person is outside your staff, maybe some colleagues and friends have already faced a similar task. Ask them for advice, or even call for a meeting with the developer. Of course, you will not need to learn HTML, Java, or other programming languages. However, the more thoroughly you, independently or with the help of others, can describe the practical tasks of the future site in terms of your company’s business, the faster, and better the contractor will be able to fulfill your wishes.
- Prepare your company brand book or order its design. Your company site should use corporate colors. This is very important because most people identify this or that company precisely on visual characteristics.
- Look at the sites you like, and imagine the best samples you would take as a basis and what you’d change, remove or supplement if it were your company’s website.
- Think about the list of problems you would like to solve with the help of this resource. If you need just an image site, prepare all the current information you plan to post there. Keep in mind that silent phones, e-mail that no one reads, customer service, whose employees hate communication with customers, or a chatbot, which brings clients to the fury with standard meaningless answers – all this can put an end to the reputation of your company. Therefore, posting contact information on the site, be aware that its use by visitors will only benefit you.
If you have done all the above, you can make an appointment with the developer.
Technical nuances. What is worth noting?
These recommendations relate to managers related to both categories. Firstly, do not try to make a technical task yourself, this document should be the result of your comprehensive discussion of the project with the customer. Secondly, I would like to warn you.
There are two approaches to preparing a technical assignment in the business world. In the first case, the customer sets out his wishes to the contractor, and technical specialists of the latter offer the document they prepared for discussion and signing. The task of the contractor at the stage of collecting requirements is to ask the correct questions and discuss with the client restrictions and compromises in cases where inconsistencies or non-optimal decisions occur. Remember that creating the terms of reference to come up with an alternative, more economical solution instead of the initial idea is expected. Feel free to debate any variants you find worth discussing.
In the second case, the customer addresses a third -party company so that third -party experts are developed by the technical task. It is believed that objectivity will be preserved in this way. However, in practice, this leads to unnecessary expenses (after all, in this case you will have to pay separately) and unnecessary conflicts with direct performers. Keep in mind that if you order a standard site, then, in fact, you just need to discuss the design and provide the developer with the information that he must place on the pages. Suppose you have any specific requirements, for example, integrating the web resource with the CRM of your company, special requirements for data protection, etc. In that case, imposing on direct performers of technical solutions from the outside is counter-productive.