Why does my cat’s breath smell? ( Step-by-Step Guide)

Why does my cat’s breath smell? Here is ( Step-by-Step Guide) for you.

Halitosis is when your cat has bad breath. You want to take your cat to the vet to address or rule out any health problems as causes of their bad breath. Cats with a healthy diet free from strong-smelling foods and treats are less likely to develop bad breath.

Here you will find advice about avoiding this problem in your cats and how you can still make sure they enjoy tasty treats without significantly contributing to the cause of their halitosis!

Causes of bad breath in cats

To keep your cat’s breath smelling fresh, the most common cause of bad breath in cats is …

1. Diet

It doesn’t often happen that you have to cook for your cat, but when you do, it is important to realize that their diet can affect the way they smell too. If you notice your cat has a funny smell about them, this isn’t always a sign of an illness – but you will want to keep them healthy and ensure they are in good shape, so be sure to check out their teeth as well as pay attention to what they eat every day.

While cats love wet food, it is a type of food that can stick around for longer in their mouths than dry food, which means some of the stuff left on the tongue can end up smelling bad when it lies there for hours, sticking to their teeth! ​

2. Gingivitis

Ouch! When we think of painful and long-lasting dental problems, our mouths are filled with visions of abscesses and crowns. Thankfully, animals (for the most part) don’t have a lot to worry about concerning these issues. However, your cat can experience some bad breath and difficulty chewing when they have gingivitis.

3. Periodontal disease

While gingivitis can often lead to periodontal disease, one might think that a cat with gingivitis should also have plaque buildup, which would cause bad breath. But this is often not the case, and that’s because if a cat is suffering from severe gingivitis, it’s very likely the plaque buildup under their gums had already begun to be removed by your veterinarian.

The feline dental disease has recently exploded as a significant problem leading to bad breath in cats. Research shows over 20 million cats in America alone suffer from painful dental diseases! Don’t let your cat be one of them.

4. Coprophagia and pica

Coprophagia is a clinical term used to describe a cat eating its feces or another animal’s feces. Although we want to say it’s not as bad as it sounds like, these behaviors aren’t just gross but might even be caused by a medical condition in cats where they eat things other than food.

For example, you may notice your pet smelling bad. If this applies to your furry friend, make sure you take them to the vets as soon as possible because, left untreated, some of these conditions might even lead to death!

5. Stomatitis

Feline stomatitis is a term that refers to an extremely severe case of gum irritation in felines. One common symptom of the disease is exceptionally bad cat breath or halitosis. If you notice your cat’s breath smells unpleasant, it might signify that they are suffering from some oral complication.

Following this tip on signs of feline stomatitis should help guide you towards locating a nearby veterinarian as soon as possible so they can administer treatment if your cat’s condition is treatable!

6. Kidney disease

Two different types of kidney disease can severely affect a cat. Acute kidney failure is the first type, and chronic kidney failure is the second type.

It’s important to know both symptoms since chronic kidney failure can come with bad breath as a symptom, a sign that may seem harmless to some but indications of something more serious in other cases. Learn more about kidney disease in cats today!

7. Diabetes

Diabetes could be another reason why your cat may have bad breath. If a cat is diagnosed with diabetes, the metabolism of its body could be out of balance and could make them more prone to having an unusual or fruity smell in its exhale. It’s not usual for cats to have this issue, but if you notice that both your cat’s appetite and urination habits have changed, it could mean some serious underlying factors are taking place.

Other common symptoms include dehydration, which would involve drinking more water than normal, excessive panting due to a significant increase in metabolic activity, lethargy, moody, hyperactivity, and even weight loss. If you notice any of these signs along with others, please take your cat immediately to see the vet because they might be showing signs of diabetes!

Treating bad breath in cats

Cats tend to have bad breath. To ensure there’s nothing else related to your cat’s dental health at play, take them to a veterinarian for a check-up. There are some steps you can take at home to clean your cat’s mouth, tongue, and teeth. Remember that if your cat suffers from gum disease, the inflamed gums may be sensitive, so conservative treatment might be needed.

1. Cleaning your cat’s teeth at home

If your cat suffers from bad breath, it’s likely due to the buildup of plaque and tartar on its teeth. Brushing a cat’s teeth regularly can help reduce this. There are several ways to clean your cat’s teeth, including toothpaste specific for cats that is usually readily available at pet stores.

We have written a step-by-step guide below to explain how simple it is to clean your pet’s teeth with human (read: human-approved!) toothpaste!

2. Cleaning your cat’s teeth at the vets

If you think your cat needs better oral hygiene the next time they come to visit your vet, it may be worth asking a professional to clean their teeth with advanced tools! The same tools used in a vet clinic are not usually found in a pet owner’s home and so would be more effective at removing plaque or tartar that could be present.

Having these problems dealt with will also save you money, as there is a chance of extracting any potential future dental problems before they occur.

3. Dental cat treats

If your cat suffers from bad breath and gum problems, it might be due to its diet. One solution is to feed them Dentalife Cat Treats. It’s a commonly held belief that 76% of cats need treatment for gum problems if they’re not already doing so.

Studies have found that when grated, Dentalife chews can make a real difference to your feline friend’s dental hygiene: Not only are they able to effectively clean tartar off the teeth (i.e., plaque) through gentle abrasion, but they also remove harmful germs in the mouth such as E Coli (a common source of food poisoning). And did you know that these treats are free from artificial colors? They’re kosher too! Remember always to store them in an airtight container; otherwise, the goods will keep them fresher.

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