During puppyhood, my dog used to get hiccups just like his parents. While they are pretty adorable, one might say “Aww,” but they never seemed to go away, and while they might be the onset of a bigger issue, why don’t we find out if there is something serious going on?
In this article, we’re going to explore that How to get rid of dog hiccupsen at home:
Why Is My Dog Hiccuping?
Dogs, like humans, have a muscle that separates their abdomen from the lungs. It’s known as the diaphragm, and it determines how dogs breathe normally. When they inhale, that muscle expands to draw in air, and when exhalation happens, it contracts so that air can flow out.

Hiccups are the body’s involuntary response to something going on in your digestive tract. While they can happen for a variety of reasons and generally without serious consequence, if they last longer than a few days, then you might want to get them checked out by a medical professional. Here are some common causes of hiccups:
- Swallowing too much air when drinking or eating
- Emotional stress
- Excitement
- Foreign bodies, irritants
- Panting, heavy breathing
Dogs are not the only species on the planet to have hiccups. Any mammal that shares our breathing systems can get hiccups, particularly when they eat too quickly or play too much. Fetching a tennis ball is pretty exciting and can lead to eating quicker than usual, which could spark hiccups.
For dogs, hiccups often show up when they swallow too much air while they’re running around (a lot of oxygen turns into carbon dioxide gas in their digestive tract). Ever notice how you tend to start burping when you run flat out and feel a little gassy? Same effect!
Hiccups are rarely a sign of any underlying medical condition. Some people have them for no apparent reason at all!
What Do Dog Hiccups Look Like?
You probably know hiccups from yourself. Sudden spasms of your diaphragm contract and push against the lining of your lungs or oesophagus, causing repeated moments in which you have to react quickly. It looks the same in dogs. Hiccups in dogs (quite rare) can be audible or without any sound.
Their stomach area contracts suddenly and may cause them to shake wildly; as a result, perhaps bucking their whole body up off the ground if they’re laying down at the time. Below is a video I recorded when my Rottweiler Amalia was just ten weeks old.
Sometimes people confuse a hiccup with reverse sneezing, which is the act of rapidly pulling air into the nose as opposed to sneezing. Many dogs exhibit this skill when they breathe in something they shouldn’t have breathed in. The usual position for dogs who do so looks like they are standing at attention, and their head is tilted high into the air with nostril-flaring and their mouths open wide.
Although it’s only temporary, my dogs reverse sneezing episodes looked like they were going to take his head off. He would do so violently, and he did them frequently. I’ve never seen anyone or anything make a face any more comical than when he did this.
It was one of those things that made you stop whatever you’re doing and stare at him for a moment with your jaw dropped open in shock!
Seizure is one of the most common symptoms of epilepsy. In most cases, a seizure will leave your dog tired and dizzy for several minutes. If this only happens occasionally, it’s not an issue to be concerned about.
How Long Do Dogs Hiccups Last?
Dogs commonly experience hiccups more frequently when they are younger, but it’s not a problem for them. Depending on the dog, dogs’ hiccups can vary in frequency, from every other day to once or twice every hour. Most dog hiccups only last for a few seconds to about a minute.
If you listen carefully, you will be able to hear that the “hic” sound of their hiccups doesn’t stop until the dog breathes out again with a sigh or yawns. This is unlike human hiccups, which continue throughout the inhale cycle with pauses between inhales to take a breath and is immediately followed by an exhale. It may take several weeks or months before your puppy stops hiccuping altogether.
How to Get Rid of Dog Hiccups Fast
Owners need to look for signs of sickness in their pets. Nausea and vomiting that often occur with canine flu can make it difficult for dogs to eat or drink, leading them to become weak and dehydrated. Regarding your dog’s nutrition, he may avoid water if he has lost his sense of smell from a dog flu infection.
Flu-infected dogs may also have increased appetite than usual since they feel sick; owners often misconstrue this as “hunger,” but it is really due to nausea. Sick dogs may also experience an increase in saliva production (hypersalivation), which leads them to swallow large amounts of saliva, resulting in regurgitation (“slobbers”).
Whatever you do, don’t hide behind the next corner and intentionally frighten your dog into getting rid of the hiccups. Unlike humans, dogs won’t understand why you are trying to scare them and will only learn to distrust you.

Below are 5 quick and safe ways that will help you get rid of the hiccups:
1. Offer some water
Hiccups are a funny and annoying bodily response. Don’t forget to drink some water – this has been proven to help. Another trick is putting an ice cube on your neck. This will stimulate the vagus nerve, which one researcher found is the best way to get rid of hiccups.
2. Give him a massage
It’s helpful to put some gentle pressure on your dog’s diaphragm when in contractions. Apply a belly rub or chest rub during this time to help him remain relaxed and calm so that the birthing process can run smoothly.
3. Relaxation
One of the best ways to train your puppy is by inviting someone who he has been socialized with – ideally someone he sees regularly, at least once a week. This person would ideally be someone who also wants to work with your dog and invest as much time as you in this exercise (and for the same reasons, like, for example, if you all want to compete in a dog show). If a group training session is not possible, try organizing playdates instead.
4. Slow down dinner
A dog eating too fast may have trouble keeping its bellies filled and may also end up swallowing a lot of air while eating, which could eventually cause an upset tummy. Get your puppy a slow feeder instead to keep it from overeating food and taking in extra air.
5. Change his diet
How your dog’s food is prepared can alter the likelihood of whether it will result in bloating or otherwise cause issues after being eaten. If interested, you may use the form below to the right to contact us with any questions you might have regarding the changes you think need to be made.